Welcome to ARSenic Plus, an experimental upgrade to ARSenic, a free, open-source, web-based audience response system created by Michael L. Richardson, M.D.. ARSenic Plus has an extremely simple interface, and does not require a login by students or teachers. Just point your students toward the student view and your teacher toward the teacher view on the right side of this page. Students: Students can do three, count'em three things:
Teachers: In addition to everything the students can do, teachers have three additional god-like powers:
Sample images: A number of sample images have been included on this site for demonstration purposes. For security purposes, the ability to upload new images to the site is limited to the site administrator. Along with the sample medical images, a few other handy images have been included:
Source code: For anyone daring enough to want to install and run ARSenic Plus on their own server, complete source code for ARSenic Plus is available upon request from the author. |