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rotation_2 [2019/12/27 11:09]
hyomul [Conferences]
rotation_2 [2020/01/10 15:53] (current)
hyomul [Exit interview]
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-At the end of each MSK rotation (core or elective), each resident will meet with Director of residency education of MSK for brief exit interview during the last week. Resident will receive feedback regarding his/her performance during the month and also have opportunity to voice ideas to improve the rotation. MSK rotation evaluation should be submitted after the exit interview before the actual last date of rotation.+At the end of each MSK rotation (core or elective), each resident will meet with MSK MSK faculty on duty  ​for brief exit interview during the last week. Resident will receive feedback regarding his/her performance during the month and also have opportunity to voice ideas to improve the rotation. MSK rotation evaluation should be submitted after the exit interview before the actual last date of rotation.
rotation_2.1577473758.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/12/27 11:09 by hyomul